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How do companies measure success in Employee Wellbeing?

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

Companies have been focusing on employee satisfaction for a long time now, and there's no doubt that it's one of the critical factors that determine a company's success. To achieve and maintain high levels of employee satisfaction, it's important to address burnout regularly.

Burnout is when employees reach a point where they're no longer able to cope with their work environment or their responsibilities. It can lead to some problems, including decreased productivity, lower morale, and even turnover. Burnout can lead to serious medical issues like depression and anxiety if left unchecked.

Address burnout through regular surveys and focus groups that ask employees what they think about their job and how it relates to their personal life. This will help you identify any areas where you need to make changes or improvements, so you can keep your employees happy and motivated throughout their tenure with your company.

Why measure employee wellbeing?

There's no doubt that a happy, healthy workforce is crucial to the success of any company. Employee wellbeing can play a significant role in this, as it can lead to increased job satisfaction and productivity, reduced absenteeism and turnover rates, and even better customer relations.

By measuring employee wellbeing regularly, you'll be able to identify any areas in which your employees are struggling and make appropriate changes or improvements before they become larger problems. Not only will this help your business stay afloat; but it could also result in some major gains down the line – including higher profits and more loyal customers.

How can companies measure employee wellbeing?

There are many ways in which you can measure employee wellbeing. The most effective approach will depend on your company's specific needs and constraints, so it's important to take the time to investigate all the options before making a decision.

Here are some common measures you may want to consider:

● Work-life balance surveys

This is a simple but powerful way to measure employee satisfaction and well-being. You can ask employees about their work/life balance, stress levels, and hours spent at work. This information can help you identify any areas in which your employees are struggling and make appropriate changes or improvements.

● Employee satisfaction surveys

This is a similar measure to the work-life balance survey, but it focuses on employee satisfaction instead of well-being. You can ask employees about their job satisfaction and how likely they are to recommend their company to others. This information can help you identify any areas in which your employees may be unhappy and make changes or improvements accordingly.

● Employee attitude surveys

Like the employee satisfaction survey, the attitude survey focuses on employee attitudes rather than satisfaction or complaints. You can ask employees about their levels of engagement with their work (e.g., positive feelings towards their job, motivation to stay at their job), satisfaction with their work (e.g., how they feel about the amount of effort they put into their work, pay and benefits), and whether or not they would recommend working for your company to others.

● Employee turnover rates

This is another important measure to track because it can indicate how well your employee wellness policies are working. You can calculate turnover rates by dividing the number of employees who left your company in any given year by the total number of employees who were at your company at the beginning of that year (excluding temporary workers). This information can help you identify any areas in which your employee retention is deteriorating and make the necessary changes.

● Awareness surveys

This type of survey is intended to gauge how well your company is informing employees about workplace wellness policies and programs. You can ask employees about their knowledge (e.g., understanding of what types of foods are healthy, and the purpose of health screenings) and support (e.g., willingness to participate in health screenings) for workplace wellness initiatives.

Final Remarks

By surveying your employees and tracking their levels of satisfaction, engagement, and turnover, you can ensure that you are making the most effective workplace wellness policies possible. If you have any questions about surveying your employees for workplace wellness, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Diana Sherin Gomez

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